Friday, March 30, 2012

Non violence

Ahimsa  (Non violence) is to maintain the awareness of not hurting any living being, even to the slightest degree, through one's mind, speech and actions.When this principle remains firm in your conviction and awareness then progress will occur in spiritulaity.
If one does not understand what constitutes the entire spectrum of ahimsatowards living beings, beginning with the visible to the subtlest, such as life-forms present in the air and water, and if one does not understand intent-violence (violence through inner intent which creates new karma) and intent-death (the ultimate of all violence: violence against the self), then whateverahimsa one practices, will be in vain. One will be stuck at the level of mere words and gross mechanical actions.
Find more about violence (Himsa) and non-violence (Ahimsa), from the gross to the subtlest levels as exposed by the Gnani Purush (Spiritual Scientist) himself.
This read will, without doubt, serve as a very useful guide for those who want to practice Non-Violence (Ahimsa) and desire liberation...

Help others - The Purpose of Life

The purpose of human life is to use the mind, body and speech for the helping others. Research indicates that those who consistently help other people experience less stress, enjoy higher levels of mental health, feel more connected to your spirit, feel more grateful for what you have  and less invested in the 'rat race' that causes stress for so many of us.
The deepest science behind this is that when one uses his mind, speech and body for serving others, he will have everything; he would never be short of material comforts and worldly happiness. Religion begins with an obliging nature. Happiness begins from the moment you do something for others.
The purpose of human life is to break this bondage of life after life and for attaining eternal liberation (moksha) from bondage of karma. It is for the purpose of becoming 'Absolute'-fully enlightened; to acquire Self-realization. And if one does not get the opportunity to attain the knowledge of Self-realization, then he should live for others.
Dadashri's main goal in life was to give happiness to all who met him. He never thought about his own happiness. He was always looking for ways to ease other people's miseries. That is the reason compassion and the extraordinary, divine, spiritual science of "Akram Vignan" manifested within him.
In this compilation, Dadashri has given many comprehensive explanations of unfailing methods for one to fulfil life's goal through serving and helping others. Eternal happiness however is only attained through Self-realization.

Try It Yourself

Questioner : I feel lot of pain when I see people's sufferings and miseries. What can I do Dada ? Please advice.
Dadashri : After Self-Realization, you will not feel pain upon seeing the misery of others, rather you will remain compassionate and their suffering will lessen. At the moment, what you experience for others is sympathy. That sympathy will always cause you pain because it torments you with what you imagine the other person must be feeling. Where there is sympathy (daya), there is always the ego. However, without sympathy (daya), the relative-self (prakruti) would not do any service. After Self-Realization, you will have compassion (karuna).