It is not a physical or metaphysical experience. It is not shaktipat. It is not an out-of-body experience or cosmic consciousness. It is not about becoming a light being or having ecstatic states of consciousness. These are all experiences of the relative self and are, by nature, temporary.
In the Gnan Vidhi, the belief that “I am this body-mind complex” is destroyed at subtlest level of the ego and the right belief that ‘I am Pure Soul’ is established. This happens as the clouds or veils of ignorance that cover the true, pure Self are destroyed. However the subtle and gross ego persist and are dissolved as one follows the Gnani’s instructions. The conviction ‘I am the pure Soul’ will persist and blossom into awareness provided the seeker follows the instructions of the Gnani.
This Grace is imparted by a Gnani Purush, the one who is totally liberated from all worldly attachment and totally free of the human weaknesses of anger, pride, greed and deceit. He is not only Self-realized, but has spiritual presence and the power to awaken the Self in others.
Gnan Vidhi came through Shri Ambalal Patel, known as Dadashri, the original Gnani Purush of Akram Vignan. Although he is no longer living, this process of gracing seekers with Self realization continues today through Pujya Deepakbhai Desai.
Very rarely does one come across this path and it is indeed a tremendous wonder that it has surfaced in our time.
What is Liberation?
Liberation is attained in two stages. In the first stage, which is attained in the Gnan Vidhi, the identification with the body-mind-ego complex is destroyed. The result is that worldly suffering does not affect or touch You, the true Self. Ignorance is dispelled and true knowledge of the Self is attained.
The final stage of liberation is attained when there is no trace of the human weaknesses of anger, pride, greed and deceit. This happens to those who receive this Gnan vidhi as they follow the five spiritual directives or instructions, called The Five Agnas, that are given by the Gnani Purush. Here there is both freedom from ignorance and freedom from all karmas. One is freed from the infinite cycle of birth and death.
Liberation, Self Realization by Akram Path
Traditionally, we are familiar with the concept that ultimate freedom or Self realization can be attained step-by-step through many years or even lifetimes of practicing meditation, mantras, yoga, etc.
Now, on the other hand, Self-realization can be attained through the non-traditional path of Akram Vignan,the science without steps. The Akram Vignan path begins by receiving Gnan Vidhi, a scientific process in which the seeker is given the knowledge and understanding of the inherent qualities of the true Self, the Pure Soul.
The Gnan Vidhi Ceremony
The Gnan Vidhi is given in 48 minutes wherein the seeker loudly repeats after the Gnani the sentences of the Science of Separation, which separates the Self (Pure Soul) and the non-Self (ego/intellect).
In this ceremony, the ignorance that has bound one for infinite lives is dissipated by the Gnani Purush. When separation happens during the Gnan Vidhi ceremony, an internal awareness of who you truly are is established within you. Right now, you are aware of yourself as being "your name” (e.g., James). After the vidhi, you become aware that you are a Pure Soul. The Self remains separate from James. The conviction “I am Pure Soul” is permanent.
This Knowledge is not the knowledge of the scriptures. What we know and have learned from scriptures is kept as information in the intellect. This new Knowledge is direct experiential Knowledge of the Self. It permeates every cell. This is the absolute Knowledge of all enlightened beings and is being imparted to you by a Gnani Purush. This Knowledge leads to liberation; in this simple ceremony, the Gnani plants the seed of ultimate liberation.
In the Gnan Vidhi, a conviction that I am a Pure Soul is established. This is like entering from total darkness of ignorance to the first day of the moon of Self-realization. As one deepens one’s understanding of the Akram Science and applies it to daily life interactions, this conviction increases to awareness and finally continuous experience of the Self, which is the full moon of Self-realization. After receiving Gnan Vidhi, if one does not try to understand the Akram Science, one will not reap the full benefit.
Many who receive Gnan are immediately and permanently transformed. For others it may take longer to realize the full benefit. All will continue to increase their awareness and experience by following the Five Agnas, spiritual directives or instructions given by the Gnani Purush. The seed of Gnan is the right inner vision, the right belief and the conviction that “I am Pure Soul.” With this vision one is able to ‘see’ pure Soul in all living beings. This is not a concept, but living truth that will be with You always.
Immediately following the Gnan Vidhi with Pujya Deepakbhai, you may realize:
A conviction is established that “I am Pure Soul.”
Wrong beliefs arising from ignorance leave. Your inner weaknesses of anger greed pride and deceit gradually decrease and your experience of bliss of the Self increases.
Doership and worries decrease because there is a right understanding of who is the real doer is.
One will see his own faults instead of seeing the faults of others. This results in inner peace and harmony in life.
One will feel moved to ask for forgiveness for one’s mistakes.
There is realization that one’s Pure Soul is absolutely free and pure regardless of the weaknesses of the body-mind-ego complex.
Even after you have experienced the above, attending the direct satsang sessions with Pujya Deepakbhai is critical, whenever possible. Also, continuous exposure to Dadashri’s books and attending local satsang in your area will deepen your awareness and direct experience.
For the seeker who has received Gnan Vidhi, there is a support system ( or Contact Us) for continued education and exact understanding that will help those who are committed to progressing on this path.
What if I do not experience anything after the Gnan Vidhi?
If you do not experience any one of the above after the Gnan Vidhi and have some doubts and questions, then it is recommended that you clear all of them directly with Pujya Deepakbhai. After this you may be advised to sit in the Gnan Vidhi again; many have benefited by sitting in the Gnan Vidhi a second or even third time.
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